10 pg double space Education Report on UAE
Help me study for my Social Science class. Im stuck and dont understand.
Write a 10-15 page paper on education in the United Arab Emirates. Attached is a sample paper to use as a guide.
Outline of paper should be as follows:
1. History
2. Types of Educational institutions; higher education, further education
3. Control: public/private/denominational
4. Selectivity; school choice
5. Attainment
6. Curriculum
7. Performance on standardised tests like SATs, TIMMS, PiSA
8. International Comparisons
9. Inequality of educational opportunity according to class origin
10. Gender
11. Ethnicity/migrants
12. Vocational and professional training
13. Special topics: STEM in the country
14. Special topics: IT
15. Major reforms
16. Policy debates/ salience of education