US Economy Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions
Please use the sources given and add the last one. This is an outline to the paper. PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED AS AN OUTLINE FOR THE FINAL PAPER!! The U.S. economy is over a decade removed from the Great Recession. For several years after the Great Recession officially ended, the U.S. grew at an historically slow rate. Analyze the causes of the slow increases in U.S. GDP. Include in your paper: · An analysis of the monetary policy approach the Federal Reserve took to the recovery · An analysis of the fiscal policy approach the Federal Government took to the recovery · An analysis of how the attempts to influence GDP in the short-run negatively affect GDP in the long-run · An explanation of why the unemployment rate dropped rapidly in the United States despite low rates of increases in GDP · An identification, as appropriate, of the economic principles (from Module 1) that factor into your analysis Adhere to the following standards: · Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, not including the title or references pages. · Your paper should include at least 5 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. (use the Economics Library Guide (Links to an external site.) to start your research). · Sources such as The Balance,, Investopedia, and other help websites are not acceptable. · Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.