Women Studies | Instant Homework Solutions
Directions: Write to both of the TWO of the following prompts to answer in short answer responses containing at least 10 sentences each. Please include proper in-text citations and a Works Cited in either APA or MLA format. You MUST use the text as reference in each of your answers. Use full sentences, proper grammar, and correct spelling. Simply copy and paste the two questions that you choose into a Word Document and provide your answers below. Save your work either as a Word Document or PDF, and then submit it on the Assignments tab on Blackboard. According to the Just Choices: Women of Color, Reproductive Health and Human Rights, Depo Diaries and the Power of Stories, and Women, People of Color, Children, and Health and Women and Environmental Justice readings found in Week 12: Reproductive and Environmental Justice, how have racial, colonial, and religious doctrines intersected to result in oppressive doctrines affecting reproductive and environmental justice? How have these doctrines specifically targeted women of color? How do King and Gaard differ in their feminist approach they take to reproductive and environmental justice? How are they similar? According to the Rojas, Kilbourne, and Ziesler readings found in Week 9: Women and Gender in Arts and Media, what are some of the sources of feminist anger mentioned and how do these relate to both gender and race? According to this chapter, what are at least three stereotypes that representations of women in media (theatre, television, film, literature) have resisted and how have they challenged these stereotypes? Please cite from at least two different authors. OPTIONAL EXTA CREDIT Which feminist issues have deepened your interest since taking this course? What are some areas of improvement that the instructor can implement to make the class a better learning environment for students next semester (Spring 2021)?