Macroeconomics Concepts in Relation to the Covid 19 Vaccine | Instant Homework Solutions
For your final assignment write a 3-page (minimum) paper on the Federal Government’s responsibility regarding the COVID vaccine and how it relates to the Macroeconomics we have studied. What was Government’s responsibility prior to vaccine development? (Hint: Consider operation Warp Speed.) What Macroeconomic concepts were involved? What is it going forward now that the vaccine is developed? What Macroeconomic concepts are involved? Some Economists propose paying citizens to get the vaccine. What would the Macroeconomic ramifications be if that happens? Research at least one current article for each point listed above to verify what actions: have been taken, will be taken, and could be taken. You must include links to your sources, and do NOT use Wikipedia. Identify your Macoreconomic Concepts using Bold Font throughout your paper. At least one concept is required for each article. Make very clear why the concepts are identifed as such and how they are being used.