Dialogue-Only Story | Instant Homework Solutions
This assignment is designed to challenge the writer to reveal/build character and move a plot/story forward through dialogue alone. Write a scene from a short story OR from a stageplay/screenplay that starts with a conversation between two to three characters during which we learn significant details about their background (through their speech mannerisms), as well as vital information about what’s about to happen next in the story. chitchat, cliches, and ‘on-the-nose’ lines.Try to employ as much subtext as possible, while making the dialogue at all times adversarial. No descriptive paragraphs or introductions are needed. If you are writing a play, assign names to your characters in order to identify who said what (follow the example of formatting found in Maude In The Garden). If you write it in short story format, do not use elaborate descriptions of your characters, and do not add any other type of information (like what the characters do or think while talking, etc.) Try to follow the strategy used by Hemingway in Hills Like White Elephants. This does not have to be a complete story! It is just a one-scene exercise in dialogue! DON’T USE COMPLICATED LANGUAGE PLEASE! AND ALSO NO SOURCES IT’S CREATIVE WRITING.