HR Solutions Case Scenario | Instant Homework Solutions
You are the HR manager of a small organisation that employs 200 people, you only graduated with a first-class honours degree and this is a new role for you, you studied HR in college, and you felt it was time for a change. The role is also new to the organisation and they made the decision to employ a HR manager following a merge with another organisation. They have no policies or any employee training in HR, meetings are long and only take place to allow top management to stay on top of developments. They have had a lot of challenges getting the right people, the poor negative culture has made retention of any talent very difficult, this coupled with the MD seeking to introduce a performance management system to increase profits and get rid of some of the dead wood there are many challenges not just from a HR point of view, however the following are the most urgent. To help you the MD has given you the budget to take on HR staff on a six-month basis (this will be your group) recruitment. What you need to achieve: 1. Come up with a HR solution to the challenges bearing in mind the restrictions in the law 2. Make clear and solid and detailed recommendations to the MD on how to proceed 3. List the pitfalls and the challenges that you may face