Python Programming
Description: The university maintains course schedules at for different semesters (spring, fall, winter, etc ). You will develop a Python program to dynamically complete certain tasks, such as list, find, sort, and save, in course listings from the scheduling portal.
You will mainly use “request” and “BeautifulSoup” libraries (or similar, see exercise 12.1). The program will operate at different levels: Semester and Department.
Your program will be a menu-based application. Assume that your project file is Once you run, it will show the last 5 semester (fall, spring, summer-only, (not winter, may mini)) > python Choose a semester: 1) Sprint 2021 2)Fall 2020 3)Summer II 4)Summer I 5)Spring 2020 Selection: 2 Here, your program will parse the data from website and show only last (most recent) 5 semesters. The user will make a selection, then, you will show departments for the selected semester (Fall 2020). Note that the selected semester is visible before a “>” sign. Fall 2020> Select a department:
1) Undeclared 2) Accounting and Finance 3) Art 4) Ag Science & Natural Resources … … 30) Social Work 31) Theatre Q)Go back Selection: 3 Fall 2020> Art > Select an option: 1) List courses by instruction name 2) List courses by capacity 3) List courses by enrollment size 4) List courses by course prefix 5) Save courses in a CSV file 6) Search course by instruction name 7) Search courses by course prefix Q)Go back Selection: ?? Here, your program will parse the data from the website and show all available departments than a list of tasks.
Q (go back) option will take the user to the previous level. Course listing output should show the following fields. For instance for course listing for “Fall 2020> Computer Science & Info Sys> List the course by the prefix ” should show PrefixIDSecNameInstructorHoursSeatsEnroll.COSC130101WIntro to CompuLee, Kwang33510COSC143601EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown, Thomas44036COSC143601LIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown, Thomas4036COSC143601WIntro to Comp Sci & ProgHu, Kaoning44543COSC143602EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgHu, Kaoning43532 as first 5 rows. You will follow the above headers and order (prefix (col. width 6), ID (5), Sec (5) , Name (25), Inst (20), Hours (5), Seats (5), Enroll. (7) ) for other listing selections too.
Data cell should be aligned with column header and left-justified. A course name should not have a word more than 5 chars. For instance, Algorithms should be abbreviated as “Algor”. The length of the course name will not exceed 25 chars. In option 5, the above format should be used to save a listing to a file as a .csv format. The user will be able to provide a filename for CSV file. For this program, you need to develop at least one class (chapter 10) with (possible) many methods. For more information on Python Programming read this: