[ORDER SOLUTION] Designer Fashion
Assignment Overview: Identify one collection from a specific designer or brand (active any time after 1959). The collection should have either a video or at least 40 still images from the fashion show/presentation available. What to include Abstract (at least 150 words) that outlines the major theme(s) of the collection. An abstract is a concise summary of the key points of your research. A minimum of 5 pages of text (this does not include your abstract, images or bibliography). Images from the collection which you refer to in your paper (include figure numbers with images on a separate page after text) Bibliography must include at least two primary sources including a link to fashion show video or stills Things to consider What is the historical reference for the collection? How does the designer reflect the zeitgeist of the era? Does their work reflect the economy, political tension, a shift in a particular groups place in society, rejection of previous acceptable societal practices (wearing fur, unhealthy practices like corsetry, women gaining the right to vote, to work)? Identify the designers fashion philosophy and influences. Only include a brief biography as it relates to the collection under review in your paper. Examine the aesthetic characteristics of multiple garments in the collection including cultural influences and significant themes. You are expected to use the language of fashion, proper terminology for collars, necklines and silhouettes. See Fashion Terms and Styles for Womens Garments located in Canvas under Course Documents.