[ORDER SOLUTION] German Expressionism
Formulate a thesis that addresses the major characteristics of the style, both technical and artistic.Summarize the historical period, discuss its major contributions, directors, and films.Focus your discussion on ONE DirectorCite a minimum of 4 examples from the films listed to support your assertionsCite 4 research references other than your text.List references on a separate pageAddress the questions:What were the main contributions of the period?How did the films of this director influence the development of the cinema as a artistic influence?Ex: George Melies developed a series of special effects relying on trick photography that introduced the aspect of Fantasy into filmmaking. This departure from the recording of real events, known as ‘Actualites’, incorporated creativity and placed dominance on the fictional film at the very dawn of cinema history.German ExpressionismFW MurnauNosferatu (Links to an external site.) (1922)The Last Laugh (Links to an external site.) (1924)Sunrise (Links to an external site.) (1927)Fritz LangMetropolis (Links to an external site.)(1927)M (Links to an external site.) (1931)GW PabstThe Joyless Street (Links to an external site.)(1926)Pandora’s Box (Links to an external site.)(1928)