[ORDER SOLUTION] Mental Health Resources
***You will need to do some independent research on the internet to complete this assignment*** Discussion Assignment 6: Objective: To research what mental health resources are available in the community and think more deeply about community-based solutions that could be implemented effectively. Original Post Due Wednesday 12/02 by 11:59 pm. Describe one mental health resource available in your community. Explain why this resource is important and who (which populations are eligible to use this resource). Note that you can define your own community. For example, you can choose the LTCC community, or wherever you live or grew up. Choose a mental health concern/clinical diagnosis/disorder. Then answer the following: 2. Research the mental health disorder and describe the symptoms and duration that are typically experienced (be sure to use DSM V criteria). 3. What resources are actually available to help someone who thinks they might be suffering from this? Choose two levels to examine: On campus In the community/city/region At the state level At the national level 4. To whom are resources available? (e.g., Are resources only available to those with insurance? Are resources only available to certain populations such as students, single mothers, elderly? Are resources only available if you follow certain steps?) How can they be accessed? 5. Is there a gap between what is recommended and what people actually have access to? If yes, what are the consequences of this gap and how can we address it? If no, what are the consequences of having the needs of this population adequately addressed? 2 Replies Due Friday 12/04 by 11:59 pm. 1. Are the resources your peer describes adequate? If not, why not? What can be realistically implemented to more fully address the problem your peer poses? (e.g., create an awareness campaign to increase understanding in the community and decrease social stigma; make weekly walk-in, or scheduled, therapy available, be sure to explain ) 2. How can it be implemented? (e.g., Student-led organizations, lobbying to state officials, forming non-profits, connecting to existing non-profits, etc.) Respond to posts of two of your classmates. Remember to be respectful.