[ORDER SOLUTION] Reports On Terrorism
The language and rhetoric used in the reporting of terrorist events, whether from official sources or from media outlets, can be used to influence public opinion and behavior. How does government communication about crises influence the messaging that the terrorists were intending to deliver? Are there ethical issues associated with how government officials and media outlets report on terrorism and terrorist activities? Assignment: For this assignment, you will analyze the effects and impacts of the reporting of a terrorist event. Choose a recent terrorist event (within the past five years), but a different one than you analyzed in Week One. Conduct library research to report on how the event was understood and interpreted by the public. Focus on reports from both government sources and media outlets. Did you observe differences in the ways the event was interpreted by different segments of the public? For example, was the event uniformly seen as terrorism by the public? Or did different groups interpret the event differently? Provide specific examples from your research, and discuss some of the ethical issues faced by those reporting on the event. Your thesis and conclusion should address how you think terrorist event reporting can be managed to best serve the public. Also make sure to address the general publics role in interpreting and disseminating perspectives on terrorist events. All submissions must include the following technical components: Labeled topical headings (e.g., Introduction, Literature Review, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, etc.) Length: The report must contain a body of text, between 1,000-1,250 words (about 4-5 pages double-spaced, 12-point font). A reference page containing a minimum of five course-external resources used and cited in the report. References cited at the end of the report must be cited in text to illustrate how they were used..