[ORDER SOLUTION] Clinical Practice
The paper is about psychology and neuroscience/neurology. I have the introduction, methodology and results parts of the paper already and need some help with the discussion part. I will upload them so you can write the discussion part. The Discussion contains a summary of the results, answering the research question, further interpretation of the results, feedback to the literature and implications for theory and / or practice. The Discussion is written from specific to broad: first the specific research results are described, and then this is linked back to the earlier (broader) literature described in introduction. Implications for theory and / or practice are also discussed. The following aspects should be discussed/written in the Discussion: Summary of results -This summary is written at an overarching level -The construct is being measured, not the variables that have been used -No statistical data is repeated/written here -No new facts are presented regarding the analyzes / results Feedback to the literature -Are the findings/results consistent with the literature described in the introduction? If not, what are the possible explanations for this? Look beyond differences in sample size and design. Theoretical and / or practical implications of the results -What do the results mean for the relevant theories, for society, and / or for clinical practice? -How can the results of the statistical analyzes be interpreted? -Are the findings/results consistent with the relevant theory (s)? -Should existing theories be reconsidered in light of the findings? -What are possible alternative explanations if findings do not fit into hypotheses? -What can be done with the findings in society or clinical practice? Strengths and weaknesses of the research -What are the strengths of the research? These are as important as the shortcomings. So make sure there is a good balance between this. -What are the shortcomings of the research? Look beyond sample size. -To what extent could these limitations have influenced the results? Should the results be interpreted with caution? Or are these restrictions not very serious (and why not)? Recommendations for future research – How can potential shortcomings in future research be overcome? -What new questions does the research raise? And how could they be investigated/researched? New sources/literature should be used in the discussion and the literature that i’ve used in the introduction, methodology and results can’t be used.