[ORDER SOLUTION] American Theatre
Imagine that you are the professor for a new spring course in Asian/American Theatre and Performance Studies at UC-Riverside. What would be the main theme around which you would design the course? Asian/American women playwrights? Yellowface on stage and screen? Asians in operas, operettas, and musicals? What do you hope that students would take away from this course? How would you accomplish these objectives? How would you organize the series of assigned readings and viewings? Will your class include any field trips to see performances or conduct archival research? Will you invite guest scholars or artists? For your final project, you will create your own Asian/American theatre syllabus. The syllabus must include the following: a course description o 100-150 words o summarize the exigency, content, and guiding questions for the course learning goals o use active verbs to list 4-6 objectives that students will achieve by the end of taking this course week-by-week reading/viewing assignments and activities for 10 weeks o assign at least 10 plays and/or films o assign at least 5 scholarly articles or book chapters ? you may copy only 1/3 of the plays and 1/3 of the scholarly writings that are in Prof. Galellas syllabus because you are encouraged to seek out additional texts o include, if you want, specific field trips and guest speakers o organize the assignments so that they build upon one another, they are in conversation with one another, and they are grouped into sub-themes a syllabus rationale o 400-500 words o justify your chosen course theme o address how your students will meet your learning goals o elaborate on your selected readings/viewings (not every single one of them but a representative sample) ? demonstrate knowledge of these texts ? rationalize why you are assigning them o explain how you organized the course You will be assessed based on your demonstration of research and thought, pedagogical skill, cogent organization, written clarity, and following of assignment guidelines.