[ORDER SOLUTION] Transatlantic Slave Trade
Discussion 1 111111 unread replies.112112 replies. Guidelines: Students will be required to post one (1) original response and one (1) supplemental response based on another students post. Students are expected to post high quality messages (e.g., well-written, addressing multiple perspectives, citing sources, etc.) that are related to the discussion topic. Posting additional questions or responding to multiple discussion questions is encouraged but will not be graded. Each discussion should be 300 words or more for the Original post and 200 words or more for the Supplemental post. Just “I agree” or “I disagree” or “it is a good point” etc. are not acceptable discussion posts. Students must analyze and critically discuss the topic of the discussion. Points will be deducted for word count. Each discussion must discuss an original issue from the reading and should respond to another post. Copying and Pasting will be reported and Turnitin will be used to analyze the originality of your work. Using your own work and pasting it to a new post is also not acceptable. Each weekly discussion is worth TWO (2) points. In order to get two full points, the discussion should be submitted on or before the deadline, must be at least 300 and 200 words (respectively), and must be related to important concepts discussed in weekly readings, and post one (1) original response and one (1) supplemental response based on another student s post. Each post will be given up to one (1) full point depending on the grade it is given. For example, a full TWO points will be rewarded if the original response receives a score of Excellent (1 point) and if the supplemental response receives a score of Excellent (1 point) as well. Note that though students may respond several times to other classmates, only one response post will be accepted. Discussion Prompt: Pick any concept from your readings or discuss the following concept and discuss. There are more slaves alive today than all the people stolen from African during the height of the transatlantic slave trade. Put another way, today’s slave population is greater than the population of Canada, and six times greater than the population of Israel. What is your reaction and what do you think may be the cause?