[ORDER SOLUTION] Sustainable Tourism
The Final assessment for the Sustainable Tourism course will consist of an essay (individual assignment, 40% of the grade) that would address the 4 questions below.1.What role does government play in sustainable tourism development and management?2.To what extent are multinational corporations in tourism displaying green credentials?3.Explain the meaning of sustainability in a tourism context and suggest why this might conflict with other perceptions of sustainability.4.Why is sustainable tourism so difficult to achieve?Choose a destination (a country, region or a city) and discuss its sustainability challenges from the government and industry perspective. What would it be in your opinion, based on the current paradigms?For Professor Jafar Jafari, the founder of the academic journal Annals of Tourism Research, one thing is clear: usually the distinction between growth and development is misunderstood and this is at the core of whether a country wants more tourism (growth) or prefers sociocultural/ecological sustainable tourism (development).How do you, as a student and future practitioner assess it under the current circumstances due to travel restrictions and pandemic?You may include charts, graphs, figures and tables in order to present and discuss the data.(P.S- please use at least 7 academic sources, choose whatever destination you like)