[ORDER SOLUTION] Universal Studios
Typically, an analytical paper needs to be making an argument about the content in question, with supporting evidence to back up the claim. o Your two textbooks are excellent resources. Use them and cite as appropriate.o Theories and ideas from other sources can be brought in as long as they are properly cited. An analytical paper is NOT a reflection paper. This means that it is NOT a summary or simply your own personal opinion on the content. These papers should be 2-3 pages long (not including title page or works cited page). Generally, these types of paper have a structure of opening paragraph/thesis statement > body/arguments > conclusion/final remarks They are properly cited in the appropriate format (XD uses Turabian, but any style will be acceptable), with a bibliography at the end of the document. Your paragraphs and arguments should flow cohesively, be well articulated, and be easy to read. Analytical papers are presented in a third-person style.o Please do not use of words like I or we or us when talking about your argument; it is assumed that anything not attributed to other authors is your own opinion or argument. Your paper should compare and contrast the two immersive spaces chosen. Think about things like:o How and why each space came to be.o How the culture and society of the location contribute to the spaces design, themes, and individual experiences.o What elements are similar between the two institutions? Why do you think that iso How do these spaces utilize XD elements (those weve talked about or that are found in the readings) to create culturally-specific experiences?o Are the institutions going for a wider audience or a more niche one?