[ORDER SOLUTION] Scientific Misconduct
I have attached my friend’s assignment and I need someone to re-write in difrenent words without plagiarism, and here is the instructions:The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has developed an interactive tool on responding to research misconduct. The video follows four characters and what happens to them when they make various decisions related to a case of suspected research misconduct. View the interactive video “The Lab”, playing the role of Kim Park, available at https://ori.hhs.gov/TheLab/. (Links to an external site.) Also, read the introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 of Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research (Links to an external site.) by Nicholas Steneck. Prepare 2-3 paragraphs total that answer the following questions: When you played Kim Park in “The Lab”, did you run into any problems? What were they? Identify and briefly discuss the most interesting thing you learned from the Steneck text. What are your answers to questions in the Case Study at the beginning of Chapter 2 in the Steneck text?