[ORDER SOLUTION] Early Childhood Curriculum
1. The goal of this assignment is to (1) summarize and synthesize information in your text and (2) critically reflect upon it. For (1) use bullet points. This part requires that you to combine and integrate a large amount of information into “digestible” nuggets of information. If you copy information directly from your text in a “word-for-word” format, you will get 0 points for this section.For (2) use full sentences and paragraphs.Please “challenge” the text by reflecting on multiple perspectives of knowing and knowledge. Knowledge is created by people who have opinions and beliefs.What implicit or latent “beliefs” does this text embody? A good place to start is exploring your own beliefs related to course content.1. Chapter Summaries(a) Chapter 2.Observation and Assessment: Compare and contrast (8-12 bullets for each section) Core concepts: Observation Core concepts: Assessment Similarities of observation and assessment Differences between observation and assessment(b) Chapter 14. Evaluation (8-12 bullets for each section) Evaluation (overview) Process of evaluation Interpreting evaluation results Documentation(2) Critically reflection upon the content presented in 1a-1b. Respond with 6 to 10 full sentences for each. Whose interests and experiences are privileged and whose are marginalized? Whose accounts of a particular topic or issues are missing? Whose reality is presented and whose is ignored? What are the social positions (identities) from which you reading and interpreting content?