[ORDER SOLUTION] Parental Substance Abuse
Base on reading in the assigned textbook, Class discussions, You-tube Videos coupled with independent research from credible sources, prepare a ten (10) typed APA research paper (complete with a cover page and reference page) that addresses one (1) of the following:1. Parental substance abuse, misuse and child welfare2. COVID -19 restrictions and the impact on Child Welfare and child Abuse prevention3. Illegal immigration and child safety in the United States (separation of parents and kids at border crossings in the United States.4. Remote Learning (due to COVID-19 Pandemic) and UPK and Kindergarten Kids.Once you have selected a topic from the above list, include answers to the following questions as part of your response.a) Define the selected topic.b) Discuss the in detail the facts surrounding the issue. Include any focusing events that are relevant.c) Why is this a child welfare and child abuse problem?d) How can this problem be resolved?e) How does the current COVID-19 pandemic impact the problem you identified?f) You have just been tapped to be the new Drug Abuse, COVID-19, or Immigration Tsar for the Biden/Harris Administration. What five (5) policies would you implement to address your selected topic/problem?g) Be sure to include relevant theories and term from the assigned text for the class.This final project paper must be submitted no later than January 27th 2021, 11:59 Eastern Standard Time. The PowerPoint presentation is due January 28th 2021 11:00 AM Easter Standard Time. Late submissions will be subject to a grade reduction. One copy must be uploaded into the Turnitin assignment in blackboard and a copy emailed to the instructor using the following email address eharvey@asa.edu. Assignments must be emailed from your ASA student email. Emails from personal email accounts (Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, yahoo etc.) will not be accepted.