[ORDER SOLUTION] Social Justice Concerns
Notes:Question: How far is the United Colors of Benetton advertising campaign a reflection of social justice concerns over time?Introduction:Context Use the History of Benetton article to write a brief outline of the company. How controversial is it?Purpose: Benettons purpose is to sell clothes. Its not to change society yet they use social issues to create a narrative in their advertisements?Audience: Young people because Benetton want to sell their clothes to young people and young people are often the drivers for social change. For example, in the 1980s and 90s, sexism and racism were first seriously considered as social issues and great progress was made during that time. Nowadays, the environment is a big issue along with gender politics, BLM and immigration.Development: Analyse four different Benetton adverts from different time periods.1: 1980s: Pieta (Very famous advert with a real family of someone dying of HIV)2: 1990s: Bosnian Soldier uniform3: 2000s: Unhate (Religious leaders) New Pope is about to allow gay marriage.4: Most recent (2018) Migrants on a boatConclusion:Answer the question: Did these advertising campaigns reflect social issues at the time and have things changed?Does courting controversy help or hinder a brand?Is it moral to use controversial images to advertise your brand?