[ORDER SOLUTION] Bone Development
Describe the relationships between Osteoporosis, calcium, and bone development and its disintegration. What specific advice would you give a client to avoid poor bone health?1. All submissions should have a title page, followed by 500 words of text (approximately 3 pages of text), followed by a numbered “Reference List”. 2. The font should be either Ariel or Times New Roman. The size should be 12 point. Please double space all work. There is a maximum of 1 inch margins for all pages.3. The numbered Reference List should contain your textbook and at least 2 peer reviewed articles.4. You must be able to cite which sentences in your submission comes from your peer reviewed articles. I need to know which sentences come from your articles and which sentences are your own. You may use MLA, or AMA style of citation. If you lack experience or knowledge regarding citing your work, the Librarians stand ready to help you. All you need to do is ask a BC librarian for help5. Please DO NOT tell me nutritional stories. Please discuss the topic at hand and how if at all your views have been affected by the articles. Please remember this is an ACADEMIC DISCUSSION. This is NOT a casual conversation about Nutrition. Please choose articles that are relevant to the topic and have some information besides what is found in your textbook.