[ORDER SOLUTION] The Coronavirus Epidemic
GEO3001Essay 1Short essay (100 points)Instructions:Write a 1000-word (two pages single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins) essay that discusses the links between coronavirus and core themes we have been studying this term. You can draw on articles posted in the second essay link on the group discussion page, as well as course materials and other relevant sources. To give you guidance your essay should answer the following questions:How has the coronavirus epidemic been facilitated through infrastructurally-mediated social and environmental changes of the Anthropocene?How are the impacts of the coronavirus epidemic socially and spatially differentiated? In other words, who, if anyone, is disproportionately impacted and why?How do these differential impacts reflect the uneven power relations that determine the distribution of risks, harms, and benefits in the Anthropocene?Please credit the article found.