[ORDER SOLUTION] Address Eating Disorders
Week 6 – Assignment: Address Eating Disorders and Substance AbuseInstructionsSo far, we have touched upon proper nutrition and hydration for peak performance. Unfortunately, there are times when athletes believe that severely restricting their eating will result in enhanced performance. In one case, a student athlete worked out hours and hours each day with full sweats and ankle weights on. The athlete consistently trained beyond normal expectations. The athlete typically wore baggy clothes to cover up the fact that they were extremely underweight. Sparked by observations from a number of staff, an intervention team was brought together and met with the athlete. The family was called, and coaches spoke to the athletes parents in an effort to try to help. Unfortunately, both the athlete and the family were in complete denial. The athlete transferred to another school at the end of the semester. Coaches felt helpless in this situation. They were fighting something bigger than what was realized and ultimately felt they had lost the battle when the athlete denied any issue and then transferred to avoid the problem.Coaches also find themselves in the position of addressing substance abuse in athletes. Both problems could be detrimental to the athletes health, and both raise ethical dilemmas for the coach to consider.For this task, you will conduct additional research regarding eating disorders and substance abuse. Prepare a paper that explores issues surrounding substance abuse and eating disorders, addressing the following: Describe the common eating disorders and substances abused among athletes. Compare and contrast these potential problems. What, if any, parallels do they share in terms of outward symptoms? What are the effects of these disorders on the body? Discuss risk factors for developing eating disorders and substance abuse behaviors, including gender and age. If a problem is suspected, what interventions and supports should be applied?Length: 5-7 pagesReferences: a minimum of 3 referencesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.