[ORDER SOLUTION] Natural Selection
1. The authors use many acronyms throughout the assigned article. Use the space provided below to record and define the acronyms used by the authors. Your collection of definitions should be large by the time you are finished.2. The assigned article describes a meta-analysis. What is a meta-analysis? How is the article different from a review article? What are the authors goals for the study?3. The authors present an array of results, some of which appear to relate to biology and some of which relate more to methodology. Rather than describe the results in detail here, instead produce a brief outline that sorts results into two categories: biology and methodology. Use the structure of the outline to provide additional organization within each of these categories.4. The authors present many figures that plot time on the x-axis. Why are such figures useful when considering physiological responses that may be influenced by planetary rotation? Identify and discuss a figure that provides particularly strong evidence of circadian dependent activity. Then identify and discuss a figure that suggests an inconclusive relationship, or independence from circadian activity.5. Although the authors never use the phrase natural selection, they are keenly interested in how it has shaped circadian biology in plants. Briefly summarize the evolutionary outcomes revealed by the article.