[ORDER SOLUTION] The Art And Business Of Recording
The Art & Business of RecordingALBUM ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONSIn this final paper, students will place their work and future plans in an historical context.STEP 1: Listen critically to ALL three required albums for this course.STEP 2: Choose TWO to on which to research the following information regarding the ways in which the production teams contributed to each albums achievinglegendary status in both the Art and Commerce of Popular Music. Topics to research are: Who were the key production personnel? What is the albums significance to the growth of the ART of popular music? What production choices made by the team were key to those artistic successes? What other factors (economic, social, legal, etc.) may have contributed to thoseartistic successes? What is the albums significance to the growth of COMMERCE in popular music? What production choices made by the team were key to those commercial successes? What other factors (economic, social, legal, etc.) may have contributed to those commercial successes?TIP: do not limit your research to the album artist alone consider the fact that the producers, engineers, songwriters, and other members of the creative team on each of these landmark albums are very well known in their respective fields, and so have had a great deal written about them over the years as well some of this material can be found in the required reading for this very course!STEP 3: Assemble your findings into a 3 5 page draft.STEP 4: Choose ONE of the following more recently released landmark albums on which to research the same topics as above:1) Adele: 212) Taylor Swift: 19893) Outkast: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below4) Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP5) Green Day: American Idiot6) Linkin Park: Hybrid TheorySTEP 5: Compare and contrast the approaches taken by the production teams of that more recent album to those taken by the teams responsible for the historic albums.STEP 6: Add your findings on to your 3 5 page draft on your chosen historic albums into a finished papers of 5-to-7-pages in length.NOTES: as this exercise involves proper, academic research, all papers must follow the APA format. For those unfamiliar, APA guidelines are available in separate handouts available on Canvas). All papers must include a minimum of 2 non-web-based items for each album researched (books, documentary films, academic journals, etc. OK if accessed online). Wikipedia is not an acceptable academic research source.