[ORDER SOLUTION] Identity And Society
Synthesis means the combination of several ideas into a single whole. The purpose of a synthesis essay is to make connections, and those connections show the relationship(s) between two or more works. You combine, synthesize, the information in your sources to develop a claim on a topic. A synthesis is not a summary of the sources; it is an opportunity to present your position on a topic using a variety of sources. It follows that your ability to write synthesis depends on your ability to infer relationships among sources.Overview:This assignment requires you to write an argument-synthesis research essay where you synthesize a variety of sources into a thoughtful, effective essay of your own crafted around one unit of study for our course. The purpose of the argument-synthesis is for you to present your own point of view – supported by relevant evidence, drawn from a variety of credible sources, and presented in a logical manner. The claim of an argument-synthesis is debatable; it makes an assertion about which reasonable people could disagree, and any two writers working with the same source materials could conceive and support other, opposite theses. The essential questions are too broad to serve as a claim for your essay. Narrow one of the topics to a focused, specific claim that is supported by the combining of information and ideas from your sources.Identity and Society1. What impact does environment, culture or relationships have on identity?2. How does one form an identity that remains true and authentic for her/himself?3. What are the consequences when one’s identity clashes with society?Speaking Truth to Power:1. When should an individual take a stand in opposition to an individual or larger group?2. How does language influence the way we think, act, and perceive the world?3. To what extent does power or the lack of power affect individuals?Dystopia:How will technology redefine what it means to be human?What is the importance of civilization and what factors support or destroy its fabric?What is the relationship between privacy, freedom, and security?Process:OPTIONAL: You will have the option to complete an outline where you begin to put together the skeleton of your paper. Your outline willinclude your intro and three body paragraphs. Outline Template-Make a copyREQUIRED: You will complete a rough draft that is a minimum of 3 full pages with the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each body paragraph must reference two different sources and include in-text citations. Your (optional) outline may prepare you for your rough draft, but may not transfer word for word. You will have to use your skills as a writer and the writing lessons we have done in class to complete this assignment.Requirements: In order for your essay to be accepted for grading, the synthesis essay must:Final copy will be three (3) to five (5) pages in length excluding the Works Cited Page.include a Works Cited Page that lists only those sources cited in the essay.include at least four (4) distinct, credible sources.any class text may be cited in your essay. cite no more than one direct instruction text in the paper. (1)2 additional sources should be from library database (2)additional resource may be an internet search (1-2)include both quoted and paraphrased research. No more than two (2) in-text citations (quotes and/or paraphrases) per source.include direct quotes for only essential, uniquely worded passages – paraphrase all other evidence.body paragraphs must reference at least two (2) different sources.OPTIONAL: include one counter-argument that argues the other side or uncovers a shortcoming of one of your sources while propelling your argument.be typed and formatted in accordance with MLA 8 guidelines.