[ORDER SOLUTION] Type Of Visual Impairment
Instructions: Choose a scientist whom you find interesting and write a paper with personal reflection focusing on the scientists disability and their scientific achievements/contributions to society. To receive credit, the scientist CANNOT be someone we discussed in lecture, however is can be the same scientist from the competition assuming that individual fits the criteria.Choice of scientist is very important! Scientists must be from a STEM field (not social sciences). Try to avoid scientists from applied scientific fields. Applied science is the application of existing scientific knowledge to practical applications, like technology or inventions, examples include engineers and inventors. Therefore, avoid engineers and inventors. The best choices are scientists who work in basic science. They develop scientific knowledge and information to predict or explain natural phenomena (biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, etc).Additionally, if you cannot find much information on their disability experience or cause of their disability, the scientist is not a good choice. You will need to research the disability and scientific topic, not just the scientist, to compose a decent paper. Failure to follow these directions will likely results in a severely depressed grade and/or a zero.The paper must include each of the following components:CONTENT:o Biographical information. Highlight biographical information that helps the reader understand who the person was, the era in which they lived, and their main contributions to society. Please do not provide a lot of filler (e.g. their whole lifes story and every award they ever won). This is NOT the main focus of the papero Scientists Disability.Identify the scientists disability and describe it from a scientific/medical perspective For example: if discussing red-green colorblindness as a type of visual impairment, do not simply say the person was red-green colorblind therefore they have trouble identifying reds and greens. Explain how an individual sees color normally, and whats different with the biology/anatomy for someone who is colorblind).Explain how that disability affected their life and how they adapted to it. Please provide specifics.o Scientific contributions. Describe at least one major scientific contribution in detail. Provide enough background information about the science to be able to understand what they were doing and why it was important. Defining unfamiliar terms and topics is generally helpful.Scientists & Disability Spring 2021GNM 2312o Personal Reflection.Explain why you chose the scientist and what you find most interesting about him/her.Reflect on adapting to change in your own life if you were suddenly facedwith a disability.Comment on awareness in our society for the disability category that your scientists impairment falls into (i.e. vision impairment, hearing impairment, learning disability, etc.). Were you previously aware of the disability or understood what it was? Do you think the average person is aware and understands? What more can we do toeducate society about disability?FORMAT:You should have at least five references from reasonable sources (a random blog for instance is not a reasonable source; also do not use Wikipedia as a primary source). I will be checking each of your references. References should be formatted according to APA style (Detailed information about how to cite sources can be found at:https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guid e/general_format.html and citationstyle chart found within)General guidelines:1 marginsreadable typeface (e.g. Times New Roman) and 12 pt fontdouble-spaced with page numbersPaper includes Title Page, Main Body, and References (we will skip the Abstract)Length: Should fall between 5 8 pages for the main body, not counting citations or figures. Remember, more does not necessarily mean better.The best papers will weave each of the required components into a story/discussion rather than simply dividing the paper into sectionsACADEMIC HONESTY: Academic dishonesty is a serious violation that is subject to severe sanctions and a permanent record of the offense. Examples of dishonest conduct include, but are not limited to plagiarism, cheating, using unauthorized electronic devices or other forms of aid in a testing situation, misrepresenting or falsifying documents, and collaborating with another student on course work when not specifically authorized.