[ORDER SOLUTION] Thesis of The Improvement Associaion
Authors Thesis Paper Instructions: CivicsThe authors thesis paper is only two paragraphs and only one page. I am going to outline what exactly should bein each paragraph. There is no need to do extra research. The point of this project is to have you practice writing conciselyand with purpose. There is no room for fluff in this assignment.FIRST PARAGRAPH: You are summarizing the main point(s) of the podcast. Pick the THREE main points andsummarize what the author says. This should focus on the authors argument, so identifying the overall main point or thethesis is imperative to doing this assignment well. You may add 1-2 sentences of supporting details, but this firstparagraph should be 4-6 sentences.SECOND PARAGRAPH: You are going to analyze the podcast according to Delawares Civics Standard:Students will understand the process of working within a political party, a commission engaged in examining publicpolicy, or a citizen’s group. Therefore, you will answer ONE of three questions writing a CSESET with two quotes:1. Political Party: Imagine you are working within a political party. How would you use the information in thispodcast to inform the actions and decision-making of the party?2. Public policy: Imagine you work within the government and write policy recommendations for the governor.What policy recommendation would you provide the governor based on the issue discussed in this podcast? Why?3. Citizens group: Imagine you are working within a citizens political group. How might you use the informationin this podcast to inform the decision-making and methods used by that group?Formatting? Double spaced.? 1-inch margins? Font is 12 point and Times New Roman.? Title of academic work is 18 point, Times New Roman, center aligned, and is title of paper.Podcats: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-improvement-association