[ORDER SOLUTION] Popular Culture Text Analysis
Instruction:Directions about the entries are as follows:For this paper you will locate an item that fits one of the popular culture text categories below (focusing on an American Popular culture item) and write an analysis for that selection.Popular Culture Text Themes: choose any one from belowA fashion trend (attach pictures to your analysis)A music video (provide lyrics and a YouTube link if possible)A sport (provide pictures)A television show (provide pictures and brief background about the episode)A movie (provide pictures and a weblink to the movie trailer)A popular item for consumption (provide pictures)A piece of popular technology (provide pictures and brief background about the item)After you have chosen a theme and picked a specific text that fits that theme, you need to write your analysis. For your analysis you should answer the following (you should answer these in numerical order):1) What is the item?2) Why did you select this item? What is its significance?3) What do you see in the item? You need to include visual with summary of what you noticemost. Describe any people what do they look like? What are they wearing? What are they doing? How are they positioned? What does their body language convey? What is being said?4) What argument or claim do you think the item is making? (E.g. What claim isa Hummer automobile making? What about a snowboard? A tattoo? A Marlboro cigarette ad?)5) What values, lifestyles, or points of view are represented, or omitted, in this item? In looking at the item, it is important to understand that there is no value-free pop culture; all aspects of culture carry subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages about who and what is important. Oftentimes, what or who isNOT REPRESENTED is just as important as what or who IS REPRESENTED. Try to analyze your item for values and points of view.6) How might different people understand this item differently than you? No two people see an item the same way. Each person brings to the item a unique set of life experiences (age, gender, education, cultural upbringing, etc.) which, when applied to the text creates unique interpretations.7) Who do you think created this popular culture item? Take your best guess. Remember that everything you see was created by someone.