[Get Solution]Rural Environments.
This is not a comprehensive list of resources. You can also try other sites such as Zillow, city or town websites, etc.You will gather data and extensively report on all the following items. You must provide the website hyperlinks for all references/citations for the data. Also, identify which group member, in parentheses, was responsible for each data item.1. Investigate the boundaries of your assigned zip code, not just the city/town. One member of the team should drive around the assigned zip code collecting observational data, i.e. condition of home, businesses and closures, industry presence, recreational facilities, schools, etc.2. Describe the history of one city or town in or near (if there is not one in the zip code) the zip code.3. Describe the zip code in terms of urban, suburban & rural environments.4. What type of housing is available (public, private, apartments, development, etc.)? Provide statistics on types of housing and ages of homes.5. Look up the demographics, population size and diversity and provide the data on the ethnicity, race, & gender.6. Provide data on the age of the population? List the breakdown across the lifespan.7. What is the income level for this zip code? Include single, female head of household vs. single, male head of household.8. What is the poverty level in percentage for this zip code and the State of Delaware? What is the federal poverty level in dollars. Consider how a family of four survives on this amount of income. Keep in mind that these dollars are pre-tax.9. What industry or small businesses are in the zip code?10. What is the air quality? What are the environmental risks? Obtain the rates of respiratory illnesses and cancers in this zip code.11. What are the crime rates and types of crime in the zip code?12. Are there any public parks, senior centers or other recreational facilities?13. How many healthcare facilities are in the zip code? Include hospitals, freestanding emergency rooms, nursing homes, walk-in clinics, surgery centers, etc.14. How may grocery stores/food markets, pharmacies, liquor stores & churches are there in the zip code?15. List all of the schools, public and private.Your group will send one email with your data collection for the items above to your assigned faculty member. We do not require any specific format but you must answer each data point. If you are having trouble finding the data, try Google. Send this as an attachment in a Word document. In the email, state the group letter (A, B, C etc.), members of the group and give a summary of the time spent on this activity. This email is due Day #1 by 1500 for day students and 2100 for evening students.
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