[Get Solution]Fiscal Policy
PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND THE RUBRIC THOROUGHLY: This is the final submission of an assignment that was broken into 3 parts that I have uploaded in a single PowerPoint. Make the necessary revisions and add the new slides to the current presentation. Notes from the instructor must be taken into account for the final submission. Instructor Feedback for Milestones 1 and 2: Milestone 1: Analyzes the annual GDP during the time frame to calculate specific growth rates and trends in the U.S. economy, but the analysis is inaccurate or does not provide information in speaker notes. Milestone 2: Explains the impact of the new fiscal policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy, but is not comprehensive, does not integrate the macroeconomic data and principles, or does not provide information in speaker notes THESE ISSUES MUST BE ADDRESSED IN THE FINAL SUBMISSION. I have not received any feedback for Milestone 3, but if I do receive it before this assignment is complete, I will update through chat. The main revisions need to be made to GDP and Fiscal policy. Also, there need to be 3-4 additional slides discussing foreign trade. These slides must flow seamlessly with the work that has already been done. References must be APA format. FRED: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP is the only required resource. The following link is a tutorial on how to use FRED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBhJYjhm6bo
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