[Get Solution]Rebecca Henderson
After reading the chapters (1,2,8) from Rebecca Hendersons new book, Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire (2020), respond to the following questions: Which of the three great problems of our world on fire are you most concerned about and why? (Chapter 1)Of the five key reforms, Henderson suggests for reimagining capitalism, which do you think are most important. Can you provide an example of hopeful signs that reform may actually happen? (Chapter 2)Assuming you accept her call to action for finding Finding Your Own Path Toward Changing the World, reflect on 2 or 3 of the six steps and what you can do further your own personal path and describe those action steps. (Chapter 8)If you dont really find Hendersons analysis persuasive, provide a brief critical assessment in terms of why her narrative is not persuasive to you. You can assess her identification of issues of our world on fire, the five needed reforms, and the need for personal action in your response. For more information read this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_M._Henderson
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