[Get Solution]Promoting Safety and Quality
Promoting Safety and QualityThroughout your education, patient safety and improving the quality of patient care have been examined. Through numerous readings and media pieces, you have heard about Never Events. These are serious and costly medical errors that are preventable, such as wrong-side surgery, medication errors, and hospital-acquired infections. Each of these types of medical errors is preventable. The consequences of such errors are now financial as well as legal and emotional. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services no longer reimburse for medical errors classified as Never Events.In the article Managing to Improve Quality(See article under required readings): The Relationship Between Accreditation Standards, Safety Practices, and Patient Outcomes, the authors discuss the growing trend by medical insurance companies to eliminate reimbursement for Never Events. As these types of mistakes should be easily preventable, hospitals have developed protocols to lessen or extinguish the occurrence of these events. In addition, The Joint Commission (TJC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have developed core measures to guide health care providers efforts in improving patient safety and the quality of care delivered.Health care organizations have developed strategic agendas to help meet these standards and reduce the incidence of Never Events. Nurses significantly influence the overall quality of health care provided and play a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes.For this Discussion, you will consider the standards that are in place for nurses and how they can be used to improve quality of care.To prepare for this Assignment:1. Review the information at the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services websites on the core measures and standards presented in this weeks Resources.2. Consider the nurses role in supporting the organizations strategic agenda as it relates to improving clinical outcomes.3. Conduct an Internet search for either a Never Event or a core measure, and select one to address in your post.Respond to the following:1.How has the emphasis on quality of care, patient safety, and clinical care outcomes been impacted by specific standards emanating from TJC and/or CMS? Cite your selected core measure or Never Event in your response.2. What is the impact of the nurses role in clinical outcomes for the organization?3. Discuss nurse-specific challenges in influencing change in quality improvement.4. How does this influence the ability of the organization to achieve its strategic agenda?Initial Post: At least 450 words response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ? 5 years old). Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.Grading Rubric1. Analyze how specific standards emanating from CMS and/or TJC have impacted quality of care, patient safety, and clinical care outcomes for a selected core measure or Never Event.2. Determined the impact of the nurse’s role in clinical outcomes for the organization3. Differentiated selected nurse specific challenges in influencing change in quality improvement.4. Considered how these challenges influence the ability of the organization to achieve its strategic agenda
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