Sport Identification and Fandom
Due: November 4th, 2020 at midnight (latest) via eClass. Word count: 1,000 words. Activity: Critically analyze an academic reading from the journal Communication and Sport. Step one: Select a reading from the journal Communication and Sport. You will be able to access this journal through York Universitys on-line library portal. Tip: Select an article about a sportrelated topic that interests you, and that is related to material covered in class. Step two: In about 250 words, summarize the author(s)s central argument. Step three: In about 250 words, identify the evidence that the author(s) uses to make their argument. Step four: In about 500 words, assess the author(s) argument. Some questions you may want to consider include: Do you agree or disagree with the argument? Why or why not? Was the evidence the author(s) presented to make their argument convincing? How does the authors argument relate to real-life examples of sport in society? How does the authors argument relate to a broader theme that we have discussed in class or tutorial? Tip: Focus on the ideas in the article. Avoid arguing that the article was easy/difficult to understand or poorly writtenthese assertions do not assess the ideas in the article.