Fresh Water and Ocean Resources
Watch the following short video:”Is California’s Drought Part of a Global Water Crisis?”, write a post (250 words minimum) that includes your answers to ALL of the following questions:1. How do you think Californians will deal with these drastic shortages? Be specific.2. Before answering the question #2, you should read this and cite an example from it in your answer: Mirage_Ch6.pdf (Check attached PDF)Less surface water for agriculture, tap-water, and natural habitats, means that people will begin drawing more aggressively from underground aquifers with deep wells. With a rapidly growing population in California, reductions in groundwater may happen very quickly. Southwest Florida’s population is predicted to rise dramatically in the next decade. Could we face similar water shortages here? Why or why not?3. Make an argument that access to water is directly related to one of the following:A. economic inequality, orB. violent conflict.