[SOLLVED] Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript Transcript

Tag: tina jones neurological shadow health
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Hello Tina. Welcome to our clinic. Am Joyce, i will be interviewing you today, and later do a physical examination on you

03/18/20 10:56 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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What brings you to the clinic today?

03/18/20 10:57 AM PDT

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[SOLLVED] Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript Transcript
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Tina Jones
Well, I got into a little fender bender a week ago and I’ve been getting these headaches ever since. And my neck is sore too. Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript
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Am sorry to hear that you are having headaches

03/18/20 10:59 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for saying that.
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Have you had any neck stiffness?

03/18/20 11:00 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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When did the neck stiffness begin?

03/18/20 11:01 AM PDT

Tina Jones
My neck started hurting about two days after the accident.
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Am sorry that you got an accident (No matching questions found.)

03/18/20 11:02 AM PDT

Your avatar
Am sorry that you got an accident
Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript

03/18/20 11:02 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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And when did the headaches begin? (Clarified to When did the headache begin?.)

03/18/20 11:03 AM PDT

Tina Jones
It was a few days after the car accident — I noticed a headache creeping up throughout the day. (Clarified to when the headache began.)
Your avatar
Did you lose consciousnesses after car accident? (Clarified to Did you lose consciousness during the car accident?.)

03/18/20 11:04 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t think I have ever lost consciousness. (Clarified to if I lost consciousness during the car accident.)
Your avatar
How fast was the car going?

03/18/20 11:06 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Oh, it was really slow. We were in a parking lot. Maybe not even fifteen miles an hour.
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Were you wearing a seat belt?

03/18/20 11:08 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Yes, I always do.
Your avatar
where in the car were you sitting?

03/18/20 11:10 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I was in the front passenger seat.
Your avatar
Was the driver under the influence of alcohol? (Clarified to Was anyone under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred?.)

03/18/20 11:12 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, definitely not. Neither of us had anything to drink. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if anyone was under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred.)
Your avatar
Great, its not advisable to drink under the influence of alcohol

03/18/20 11:13 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Alright, thanks for letting me know.
Your avatar
How many times have you had the headaches since they started?

03/18/20 11:16 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I’ve had a headache just about once a day since a couple days after my accident. Once I feel it coming on, I take something for it and it pretty much goes away for the day.
Your avatar
How long do the headache last?

03/18/20 11:18 AM PDT

Tina Jones
About an hour or two.
Your avatar
when was your last headache?

03/18/20 11:19 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Yesterday afternoon.
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where are the headaches located?

03/18/20 11:22 AM PDT

Tina Jones
The headaches are in the crown of my head, and kind of the back of my head.
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Does the pain radiate?

03/18/20 11:23 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Maybe? The soreness in my neck feels like it goes up into my head. But its just my neck and head that hurt.
Your avatar
how does your neck feel?

03/18/20 11:23 AM PDT

Tina Jones
It has been pretty stiff and a little painful since the accident.
Your avatar
Is your scalp tender?

03/18/20 11:24 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Do you have jaw pain?

03/18/20 11:24 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, not at all.
Your avatar
Do you have any facial pain?

03/18/20 11:25 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No. My face is fine.
Your avatar
How would you rate your pain?

03/18/20 11:25 AM PDT

Tina Jones
It’s just my neck that hurts right now. . . I guess I’d say it’s a 3 out of 10.
Your avatar
How would you rate your pain at its worst?

03/18/20 11:26 AM PDT

Tina Jones
They probably get up to a 4.
Your avatar
what do your headaches feel like?

03/18/20 11:27 AM PDT

Tina Jones
The headaches feel like a dull ache, kind of in the crown of my head, and the back of my head.
Your avatar
is the headache pain sharp?

03/18/20 11:27 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, not really.
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are your headaches cyclic?

03/18/20 11:28 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t think so.
Your avatar
Do your headaches come in clusters?

03/18/20 11:28 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, definitely not.
Your avatar
do your headaches crescendo?

03/18/20 11:29 AM PDT

Tina Jones
It’s not, like, a sudden, horrible pain, but they don’t worsen gradually either. They just sort of start, and they never get that bad.
Your avatar
What caused your pain?

03/18/20 11:30 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I’m pretty sure it was the car accident. Well, it was really just a fender bender. There was pretty much no damage to the car, and no one got injured, but I guess a sore head and neck can sneak up on you.
Your avatar
Does it hurt to move your head?

03/18/20 11:31 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, my neck hurts when I move it.
Your avatar
what makes your headache worse?

03/18/20 11:31 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Nothing really makes them worse. . . they just sort of start, and eventually they go away.
Your avatar
have you tried home remedies?

03/18/20 11:32 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I’ve been taking Tylenol. And resting helps, too.
Your avatar
Does your headache get better with rest?

03/18/20 11:33 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I don’t think so. They just come on and eventually go away.
Your avatar
Are you taking any new medications?

03/18/20 11:33 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I’ve been taking more Tylenol for my headaches, and my neck.
Your avatar
what dose of tylenol do you take?

03/18/20 11:36 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I’m not sure the actual dosage, but I generally take 2 regular strength pills.
Your avatar
How often do you take the tylenol?

03/18/20 11:37 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I’ve been taking it every day since I started getting these headaches.
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How many times a day? (No matching questions found.)

03/18/20 11:38 AM PDT

Your avatar
Does the tylenol help?

03/18/20 11:38 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, it has been helping some.
Your avatar
Do you have any new allergies?

03/18/20 11:39 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Well, besides cats, I’m allergic to penicillin.
Your avatar
Do you usually get headaches?

03/18/20 11:40 AM PDT

Tina Jones
The only time I got headaches before the accident was when I would read or study for a long time.
Your avatar
Do you ever get migraines?

03/18/20 11:40 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I’m pretty sure my headaches aren’t migraines.
Your avatar
Have you ever had any head trauma?

03/18/20 11:41 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Have you had any seizures?

03/18/20 11:41 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No. I’ve seen somebody have one, though. It’s scary.
Your avatar
Have your sleep habits changed?

03/18/20 11:42 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Have you felt more sleepy?

03/18/20 11:42 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I feel about the same as usual.
Your avatar
have you had a fever?

03/18/20 11:43 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t think so.
Your avatar
have you had any chills?

03/18/20 11:43 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
have you felt fatigued?

03/18/20 11:43 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t think so.
Your avatar
have you had nausea?

03/18/20 11:44 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
any night sweats?

03/18/20 11:44 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I don’t get sweaty, but sometimes I wake up hot and have to kick off my sheets.
Your avatar
Has one side of your body felt weaker than the other?

03/18/20 11:45 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I feel about the same.
Your avatar
Any changes in your gait?

03/18/20 11:45 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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Have you felt weak?

03/18/20 11:45 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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Have you experienced any auras?

03/18/20 11:46 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
have you felt dizzy?

03/18/20 11:47 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I haven’t been dizzy.
Your avatar
Any loss of coordination?

03/18/20 11:48 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Not that I’ve noticed.
Your avatar
have you noticed any scotoma?

03/18/20 11:49 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I don’t know what that is, so I guess probably not.
Your avatar
have you felt any tingling?

03/18/20 11:49 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I haven’t noticed any tingling.
Your avatar
Has your face been flushed?

03/18/20 11:50 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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have you felt depressed?

03/18/20 11:50 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I’ve been fine.
Your avatar
have you felt more irritable?

03/18/20 11:51 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, not really.
Your avatar
Have you had any problems concentrating?

03/18/20 11:51 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, not really.
Your avatar
Have you felt confused?

03/18/20 11:52 AM PDT

Tina Jones
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has your vision changed after the accident ? (No matching questions found.)

03/18/20 11:52 AM PDT

Your avatar
has your vision changed since the accident ?

03/18/20 11:53 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, my vision hasn’t changed since the accident.
Your avatar
have you ever had a blurred vision?

03/18/20 11:53 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, my vision hasn’t been blurry since the accident. But, sometimes it gets blurry when I read for too long — that’s been going on for awhile.
Your avatar
any vision problems in just one eye?

03/18/20 11:54 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Not that I’ve noticed.
Your avatar
Are you sensitive to light since the accident?

03/18/20 11:55 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I’m not sensitive to light. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
have you had any congestion ?

03/18/20 11:55 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I haven’t been congested.
Your avatar
have you had ringing in your ears?

03/18/20 11:56 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
have you had any hearing loss?

03/18/20 11:56 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
have you had any difficulty swallowing?

03/18/20 11:57 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Any history of migraines in your family? Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript

03/18/20 11:57 AM PDT

Tina Jones
I don’t think so.
Your avatar
Any family history of epilepsy?

03/18/20 11:58 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
any history of seizures?

03/18/20 11:58 AM PDT

Tina Jones
No. I’ve seen somebody have one, though. It’s scary.
Your avatar
do you have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease?

03/18/20 11:59 AM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
do you have a family history of Parkinson disease ?

03/18/20 12:00 PM PDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t think so.
Your avatar
What is your name and date of birth?

03/18/20 1:29 PM PDT

Tina Jones
My name is Tina Jones, and I was born on February 17th.
Your avatar
 Evaluated orientation to person

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:29 PM PDT

Your avatar
What building are you in now?

03/18/20 1:30 PM PDT

Tina Jones
I’m at the doctor’s office. . . it’s Shadow Health General Clinic.
Your avatar
 Evaluated orientation to place

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:30 PM PDT

Your avatar
What is the date and year?

03/18/20 1:30 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Um, today’s date is [Tina says correct date and year]. Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript
Your avatar
 Evaluated orientation to time

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:30 PM PDT

Your avatar
How are oranges and apples alike?

03/18/20 1:32 PM PDT

Tina Jones
How are they alike? Um…. they’re both kinds of fruit.
Your avatar
 Evaluated abstract thinking: similarities among fruit

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:32 PM PDT

Your avatar
How are a lake and an ocean alike?

03/18/20 1:32 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Uh…. they’re both bodies of water.
Your avatar
 Evaluated abstract thinking: similarities among bodies of water

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:32 PM PDT

Your avatar
How are a trumpet and a flute alike?

03/18/20 1:33 PM PDT

Tina Jones
They…… they’re both musical instruments.
Your avatar
 Evaluated abstract thinking: similarities among instruments

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:33 PM PDT

Your avatar
Count backwards by 7s from 100

03/18/20 1:34 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Okay. . . 100, 93. . . 86, 79, 72. . . 65. . . 58, 51. . . 44. . . 37, 30, 23, 16. . . 9, and 2.
Your avatar
 Evaluated attention with serial sevens

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:34 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Established one-stage comprehension

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:36 PM PDT

Your avatar
Who was the first president of the united states?

03/18/20 1:37 PM PDT

Tina Jones
That’s George Washington.
Your avatar
 Evaluated knowledge of first president

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:37 PM PDT

Your avatar
who are the last four presidents of the united states?

03/18/20 1:37 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Well, right now it’s Donald Trump. Before him it was Obama. Before *him* we had Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Your avatar
 Evaluated knowledge of last four presidents

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:38 PM PDT

Your avatar
name five large cities in the united states

03/18/20 1:38 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Let’s see. . . New York City. . . and Chicago. . . Detroit. . . Los Angeles. . . and Houston. That’s five. Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript
Your avatar
 Evaluated knowledge of five large cities

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:38 PM PDT

Your avatar
What would you do if you found a stamped and addressed envelope on the sidewalk?

03/18/20 1:40 PM PDT

Tina Jones
What would I do…. Hmm.. Well, I’d try to figure out who dropped the envelope, but if not… Well, I’d probably just drop it in the first mailbox I saw, if there was one nearby.
Your avatar
 Evaluated judgment

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:40 PM PDT

Your avatar
Repeat and remember burger, tulip, nose and tea

03/18/20 1:41 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Burger, tulip, nose, and tea.
Your avatar
 Evaluated immediate memory

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:41 PM PDT

Your avatar
how did you celebrate your last birthday?

03/18/20 1:41 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Wow. . . it’s weird, birthdays were huge for us before Dad died because he would always make a really big deal out of them, like he loved planning these huge celebrations. But the past two birthdays, he hasn’t been there, so it’s been kind of sad, thinking about what he’s missing, and we haven’t done huge parties or anything. Last birthday. . . Michael and his fiance came over, and we all had dinner at the house, and I opened presents, and we had a really good cake from this bakery I love. It was nice.
Your avatar
 Evaluated remote memory

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:42 PM PDT

Your avatar
Repeat the four words from before

03/18/20 1:42 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Burger. . . tulip. . .nose. . . and tea.
Your avatar
 Evaluated immediate learning

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:42 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Observed patient’s general vocabulary

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:43 PM PDT

Your avatar
what classes are you taking?

03/18/20 1:43 PM PDT

Tina Jones
I’m taking two classes right now, one on auditing and one on managerial accounting
Your avatar
 Tested CN I (olfactory nerve) with smell test

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:45 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Inspected right pupil and tested pupillary light reflex

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:49 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left pupil and tested left pupillary light reflex

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:49 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected fundus of right eye Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected fundus of left eye

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:52 PM PDT

Your avatar
Follow my finder with just your eyes

03/18/20 1:54 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the upper right

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the upper left

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the lower left

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested convergence

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the lower right

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the lower center

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the upper center

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested EOM to the upper center

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:55 PM PDT

Your avatar
Close your eyes and tell me if the touch is sharp, dull or soft

03/18/20 1:56 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: dull stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:56 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: dull stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: dull stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: dull stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: soft stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: soft stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: soft stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: soft stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulus

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulus Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:57 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Inspected front of face for asymmetry and facial droop

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected right side of face for asymmetry and facial droop

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected back of head for asymmetry

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left side of face for asymmetry and facial droop

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected front of face for asymmetry and facial droop

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left side of face for asymmetry and facial droop

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected front of face for asymmetry and facial droop

Exam Action
03/18/20 1:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
is the volume the same in both ears or louder in one ear

03/18/20 2:00 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Tina Jones
Same in both ears.
Your avatar
 Performed Weber test with tuning fork

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
Tell me when you no longer hear the ringing

03/18/20 2:01 PM PDT

Tina Jones
Ok, I will.
Tina Jones
Your avatar
 Tested gag reflex

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:02 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested trapezius muscle strength against resistance: 5 strength against resistance

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:02 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested sternocleidomastoid muscle strength against resistance – head turned to the right: 5 strength against resistance

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:03 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested sternocleidomastoid muscle strength against resistance – head turned to the left: 5 strength against resistance

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:03 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected mouth

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected mouth: pushed tongue left with tongue blade

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspect mouth: pushed tongue right with tongue blade

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspect mouth: lifted tongue with tongue blade

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected mouth: depressed tongue with tongue blade Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT

Tag: tina jones neurological shadow health[SOLLVED] Neurological shadow health assessment Transcript Transcript

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