Encountering History through Media
Purpose of essayTo analyze and compare how historical or fictional content has been or can be represented through different mediums. To explore how the form and conventions of a medium affect historical or fictional facts, narratives, and meanings conveyed through that medium.Requirements1. An introductory paragraph ending with an argument in the form of a thesis statement.2. Succinct descriptions (A) of your chosen historical individual, movement, or event (for prompt 1) or your chosen stories, narrative, or piece of media content (for prompt 2).3. Succinct descriptions(B) of your chosen popular mediation (for prompt1) or re-mediation (for prompt 2).4. Several well-organized body paragraphs in which you analyze and compare mediations and their effects. Your body paragraphs should prove your argument in a logical, well-substantiated manner.5. A concluding paragraph restating your argument in light of the evidence and analysis you provided.6. Thorough source citations (MLA, APA, or Chicago) and a Works Cited section.7. At least five sources, two of which must be published.a. Forthetwopublishedsources,books,chaptersineditedvolumes, monographs, journal articles, and documentary films are acceptable. Separate chapters in the same book can count as a single source each, if you need them to.b. For prompt 1, one of the two published sources should address your chosen popular medium. The other published source should be a scholarly historical source addressing the individual, movement, or event represented through the popular medium.c. Forprompt2,thetwopublishedsourcesshouldeitheraddressthe specific mediations you have chosen OR the historical time periods during which each mediation was produced and consumed (one source from each category is fine as well).d. Your remaining sources can also be published sources, but they do not need to be. At least one of these should be the content you are evaluating (either the popular medium representation for prompt 1 or both mediations for prompt 2). For your remaining sources, you are welcome to draw on critics reviews, social media posts, fan fiction, or other relevant material.