The Ethics of Humor
Analysis #4 The Ethics of Humor (due November 5)In this paper, , you will watch a 30-minute performance (or longer) of a comedian of your choice, but is considered edgy (I must approve the comedian ahead of time). Before you begin your analysis, describe his or her style of humor: What makes him or her edgy? Where does he or she turn to for material? For what purpose does he or she use his or her comedy?For the analysis portion, your job in this paper is to argue whether or not the comedians act is ethical or not. For this, you will rely on Morreall (2009), other ethical philosophies, as well as your own moral compass. What or who is the object of ridicule in the jokes? What methods does the comedian use (explicit language, vivid gestures/movment, etc.) Is the humor offensive? If so, to who? What message does the comedian send with the jokes? Remember, examples are a great help when explaining.Finally, draw a conclusion on the ethicality of the comedian: Is his or her comedy ethical? It is not enough to simply declare the comedian ethical or not, you must justify your judgment. What makes his or her comedy un/ethicalEach paper should be no less than 4 pages and no more than 5 pages. Remember, if you reference anything that is not yours, you need to cite it. All papers should include a bibliography (on a separate page) and follow proper APA or MLA formatting in terms of in-text citations and bibliographic citations (you do not need a title page).In terms of formatting, the paper should use 1-inch margins, 1?4-inch tabs, 12-point Garamond or Times New Roman font, and be double-spaced.As with all writing, communicate with a commitment to clarity and conciseness. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors hurt your credibility and distract the reader from points you are making. Papers with excessive typos or errors will lose many points. Spell check is only a starting point when editing, not the final step or the editing process in its entirety!Lastly, please send the paper to me in PDF format.