Race still Matters
For this essay, you will continue to work with three sources: 1. Agustín Fuentes, The Myth of Race, from Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You: Busting Myths about Human NatureNikole Hannah-Jones, School Segregation, the Continuing Tragedy of FergusonA popular source that you choose from an MCCC Library database. Your third source must be a newspaper or magazine article; it must be intended for adult readers; it will provide examples you can analyze to address the assignment. (See the research journal assignment for more details about finding and choosing your third source.) This assignment asks you to continue testing and evaluating Fuentess claim that in our society the social categories of race are a reality that affects our lives (645). (For more explanation, see the 1st draft assignment.) To assess the validity of Fuentess claim, you will analyze examples from two other sources. Connect evidence from Fuentess chapter, Nikole Hannah-Joness article School Segregation, the Continuing Tragedy of Ferguson, and a third source to address one of the options below