Defunding the Police
*Prompt*George Floyds death has changed the way we; the American citizen looks at the funding of our Police Departments. These turbulent times has galvanized America to demand police reforms. Allocating funds, tax dollars away from the police and toward other public services has been the topic of discussion since we all saw the horrible video of George Floyd being killed on the street in MinneapoliNew York City Police Department has already made massive cuts. The July recruit hiring of 2000 new Police Officers was cancelled. The NYPD disbanded the Anti-Crime, plain clothes units in all 77 Precincts, 12 Transit Districts and 9 Police Service Areas. The NYPD has abruptly disbanded the Homeless Outreach Unit and is looking to disband the School Safety Division. This at a time when crime is skyrocketing to levels we havent seen since the 1990s. The homeless problem in New York City is at its worst, yet the Homeless Outreach Unit was disbanded.Since the topic of Defunding the Police is at the forefront of the Criminal Justice System, the topic of your research paper will be Defunding the Police. I want you to put yourselves in the Suffolk County Police Commissioner, Geraldine Hart, or Nassau County Police Department Commissioner, Patrick Ryder. I want you to come up with your own plan to defund your department without putting the public at risk (this wont be easy). For example, disbanding the Police Mounted Unit and using that money to form a youth group targeted at risk youth. Another example would be to disband the police aviation unit, sell the helicopters and hire counselors and social workers to respond to non-emergency calls for service, i.e. mentally disturbed people. I want you to come up with your own reform, dont use mineOnce you come with your plan to reduce taxpayer money away from your department and into community programs and want you to research how your program will increase police and community relationships. For example, you reduced the population of the Suffolk County Riverhead Correctional Facility by 75%. The money you saved by no longer housing 75% of the prisoners, you started a free pre-school program for all of Suffolk County. How did that free pre-school help the individual student become more apt to be college bound.*3 pages of writing, need a cover page and reference page as well.*Internal citations for each source.