Parenting Styles
discuss the four parenting styles. Write an essay (Minimum of 1 page, using APA format). This essay should include:1) Define each style. Which style did your parents use? Which style do you plan to use with your kids? (If you don’t plan to have kids, pick what style you would recommend anyways!)2) Discuss punishment and its utility while parenting.To help with the punishment discussion, I want to provide some behavior analysis perspective. Punishment, by ABA definition, is the process by which a stimulus is applied or removed, and, due to that stimulus, the target behavior decreases. We get positive punishment (stimulus is applied), such as spanking or verbal reprimand. We get negative punishment (stimulus is removed), such as time out and response cost (e.g., No more toys since you cannot follow instructions!) If behavior DOES NOT decrease, can you really call it a punishment? Some kiddos INCREASE behavior when they are yelled at. I have see, worked with, or observed parents yell at their kiddos and the kiddos laugh and their inappropriate behavior increases. Is that verbal reprimand still a punisher or is it now reinforcement?