Cultural Biases and Assumptions
Activity Essay:Write a three-page essay that describes at least three of your biases or assumptions. After identifying your biases and assumptions talk about how you think they developed? What factors influenced their development? Also talk about what you could do obtain a better understanding of the culture you have made generalizations towards. Note: if you do not feel comfortable talking about the biases and assumptions you have now, you can talk about some you had when you were a child or in high school.Final Instructions:Paper must be in APA format points will be taken off for formatting that is incongruent with APA.You will need a title page for the paper and it should also be in APA format.Your paper should be at least three complete pages double space with congruent margins with APA format.Use Times New Roman in 12 point font.Points will also be taken off from grammatical and spelling errors.Turn in the paper via Moodle under Opinion Paper #2