Information Systems Security
Search for either one qualitative or quantitative or triangulation peer-reviewed article from the Webster online library or from any other sources that explains the concept of Cybersecurity Communications (CSSS5110).Read the article and answer the following questions as stated in the article that you have read What is the title of the article you have read? Who is the author of the article? What is the purpose of the article? What is the significance of the study in the article? What is the problem statement in the article? What are the research questions/hypothesis in the article? What is the data collection approach in the study? What is data analysis approach in the study? Which Methodology that was used in the study? (Qualitative, Quantitative or Triangulation/mix method) What are the results or findings of this research study? What did you learn in this process?The correct use of APA standard format is required (one reference only)