Plastic and Elastic Deformation
instructions:You must use Verdana font size 11 with 1.15 as line spacing. Headers should be Veranda size 14 font bold. You must use the International System of Units – SI in your report. You can use the Customary System – IPS American system in your calculations but not in the final report. You must use prefixes not scientific or engineering notationYou should write a two to three(2 and half) page technical report which includes a list of reputable references (Wikipedia is not a reputable reference). You should summarize your findings and must present a reflection/conclusion on whether plastic straws are a good material to use in this project. You should assess how the plastic straw properties relate to the concepts you learned about plastic and elastic deformation and how this plays a role in catching a falling egg without causing any damageyou must include the following sectionsintroductionresults/findingconclusions/reflectionsreferences