Crime and Migration
1. LIntroduction ( 1 page)Sets up paper in an interesting and engaging wayIncludes research question and thesis/argument that you are making in your paper roadmap for paper , explains the papers organization and prepared reader for what will come nextEmpirical Background (2-3 pages )Provides story , the facts that back up your argumenUses material from variety of academic sources at least 10 , the more complex the source is the stronger it becomes (cited!!!)Theoretical Framework (3-4 pages )Clearly explains the theoretical framework that you will apply to your empirical research (cited!!!Makes an argument that answers your research questionClearly applies your theoretical framework to your empirical research findingsConclusion (1 pages ) May include questions that need further study FormattingTimes New Roman , 12 point foot , doubled spaced, 1 inch marginsUse ASA format to cite quotes and facts that are not common knowledge ( PLEASE AVOID PLAGIARISM) Mechanics and Organization Paper is well written with clear grammar Paper flows well and is clearly organized into sections Should include at least 10 sources in total At least 7 should be academic sources (i.e., scholarly books , peer reviewed arrivals from academic journals , case law , articles from law journals, peer review statistical reports) Other sources may include news articles or other journalistic articles Should be presented in ASA format