Global Wellness Trend
Read the report and choose FOUR trend that you are passionate about. Explain these 4 trends in your own words.For each trend: 1. Identify one aspect of the trend that you find fascinating and2. identify at least one way that this impacts you personally.3. Is this something you might try, is it something you can recommend to someone you know, or4. Iis this something you can see yourself going into business with, etc.GUIDELINES: 500 WORDS TOTAL (for all 4 trends), 1.5 SPACING, APA FORMAT FOR CITATIONS.Example:Trend One: VoluntourismWhat is this and explain in your own words.How does this impact me personally?Is this something I might try to be involved with someday? Why? Why not?Is this a business trend that I may develop at some later date? Pros and cons?