Snows of Kilimanjaro
Instructions below Find at least one critical article (journal article) on NC Live or JSTOR about one of the works of literature we have read in class or another literary work indicated by your instructor. Find at least one more good quality source (see notes about sources below) about the work of literature. Write at 2-3 page paper discussing some aspect of your work of literature (see notes about topic selection below). Detailed Guidelines: Sources: You need to use at least three credible sources. A credible source includes most books, most articles on NC Live or JSTOR, and most internet sites that end in .gov or .edu. Other internet sites are permissible, but you need to determine they are credible before using them. Shmoop, eNotes, SparkNotes and similar sites should be avoided along with Wikipedia and other sites that provide an encyclopedic approach to information (, Buzzle, etc.). The work of literature counts as one of your sources. You may use more than one work of literature, but if you do, you still need to find two sources through research. The researched sources need to be good information such as critical commentary on the work or information about the authors life (but only if applicable this paper should not be a biography of the author). All quotes must be credited in proper MLA format, and all sources must be cited in proper MLA format on a Works Cited page. YOU MUST TURN IN COPIES OF YOUR SOURCES WITH YOUR PAPER. Topic selection: You need to pick a topic that will require a good deal of analysis on your part. Suitable topics include but are not limited to: Analyzing a writers language and/or style Comparing themes across the works of one or more authors Pointing out and analyzing a literary technique or device, such as symbolism (analyzing this technique or device means you will explain why it is important to the work) Do not pick a topic that will involve a lot of summary, either a lot of summary of the chosen work or a lot of summary of an authors life. Some summary is acceptable, but your paper needs to have more analysis than summary. Be sure the analysis is your own avoid summarizing someone elses analysis. Do not include biographical information in the paper unless you are explaining how an authors life influenced the writing of the work. Literary Conventions: The first time an author is named, give the authors full name. After that, refer to the author by last name only. Works of literature should be discussed in the present tense.