John Wayne Gacey
Final Paper Instructions/Rubric for SOC 3700 (Criminology) Investigate, describe and review a criminal case. Provide a detailed overview of the case itself, and include background information on the perpetrator(s) as well as any others who played major roles in the case. Describe what exactly happened in the case. Answer the Who, What, Where, When and Why questions. Tie in as many key terms and concepts from the text as possible. Next, analyze the case from a minimum of any three criminological theories from the text. *This is the heart of the paper! (A.K.A where the majority of the points are based). State which theory best explains the case and why. *Use academic sources to support the claims made in the paper. In addition, please explain why the other two theories selected do not explain the case as well as the first. Provide detailed explanations and examples. Support these claims with academic sources (empirical evidence) as well. Use journal articles, police reports, public access information, crime reports and data, etc. Finally, please end with a summary of the case Tell what the end result was, and discuss whether or not the case outcome was appropriate. Review outside materials such as books, documentaries, articles, and websites. Include a minimum of 10 references. 5 of those references must be academic sources. *APA formatting and citation style will be imposed. *Do not copy and paste directly from sources; paraphrase the information. Use direct quotes sparingly and only when necessary/meaningful. *Similarity reports for ALL paper submissions MUST BE LOWER than 30%. The dropbox will permit students to upload and overwrite their previous submissions up to the due date/time for the assignment. This means students can view their similarity reports early, and revise and resubmit them if necessary prior to the due date. *Doing so is advised as papers with similarity reports above 30% will not be accepted. All papers are to be submitted to the corresponding Turnitnin dropbox in Pilot on the due date reflected in the Weekly Schedule section of the course Syllabus. *Please remember to save your digital receipt. *IF a digital receipt is not produced, it means the submission did not go through. In this case, you will need to submit the file again.