Sports Economics
The final report must be word processed, double-spaced and will be graded for both form and content. The final paper should be three (3) to five (5) pages of text, and then additional tables, calculations, and bibliography attached to the text. I encourage you proofread your report thoroughly prior to submission. Once complete, upload your document by clicking on the appropriate assignment link. Choose any professional team sport and identify a team which relocates. Briefly discuss the history of the team in that sport, including its relocations from its original franchise location to its most recent. Identify which move of the team you will provide a study of the economics for its change in location. (2 points) Identify the costs and benefits for the team to remain in its original location. (2 points) Provide an estimate for the costs and benefits for the team to remain in its original location. (2 points) Identify the costs and benefits for the team to relocate to its new city. (2 points) Provide an estimate of the costs and benefits for the team to relocate to its new city. (2 points) Compare the costs and benefits for the teams relocation. (2 points) What is the estimate of the net benefit for the teams relocation? (2 points) This assignment is worth 20 points. 6 of those points will be awarded for the overall quality of the writing. The other 14 as indicated above.