Discussion: Psychotherapy and Biological Basis
Discussion: Psychotherapy and Biological Basis
Psychotherapy is just as controversial as mental health as a whole is. Some believe it is helpful, others believe it is a waste of time. One question still remains unanswered for many, can talking about feelings help change behavior and therefore sure whatever condition a person is suffering from? I believe psychotherapy has a biological basis. Lyrakos, Spinaris, and Spyropoulos (2017) clearly stated as results of a research that “the use of psychotherapy plays a significant role in achieving optimal health outcomes of psychiatric patients” (p. s753). Pairing psychopharmacology with psychotherapy can make a positive impact towards recovery compared to treatment with just psychopharmacology.
Many different reasons can influence the belief that psychotherapy might or might not work. For example, Adams et al. (2017) concluded in an article that “findings suggest that patients’ attachment characteristics play a role in their views and choices regarding treatments” (p. 194). Other factors that can impact the belief that therapy is a waste of time are culture, religion, and socioeconomic status. A person’s upbringing can be one to avoid talking about feelings with a stranger, or even with a loved one. Religion can also play a role in not receiving this type of treatment as faith in a spiritual belief might be the perceived as the cure to an ailment. Economical status and education level can also negatively impact the decision to avoid this type of treatment as the importance of it might not be completely comprehended or there are no means to afford the treatment. In another study that correlates the importance of psychotherapy, data showed “that children/adolescents with not only behavioral and emotional disorders, but also affective (mood) disorders had a higher chance for nondrug psychiatric/psychotherapeutic treatment compared to children with other psychiatric disorders” (Abbas et al., 2017, p. 442).
Lyrakos, G., Spinaris, V., & Spyropoulos, I. (2017). The introduction of psychotherapy in
psychiatric outpatients as part of the treatment in the last four years in a Greek
hospital. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(4).
Adams, G. C., McWilliams, L. A., Wrath, A. J., Adams, S., & Souza, D. D. (2017).
Relationships between patients’ attachment characteristics and views and use of
psychiatric treatment. Psychiatry Research, 256:194-201.
Abbas, S., Ihle, P., Adler, J., Engel, S., Günster, C., Holtmann, M., & …Schubert, I. (2017).
Predictors of non-drug psychiatric/psychotherapeutic treatment in children and
adolescents with mental or behavioral disorders. European Child & Adolescent
Psychiatry, 26(4).